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County Leaders Picked a District Map, Despite Opposition

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County leaders in a Western state in a Northern City within the Fresno County Board of Supervisors do support a new map. This was a supermajority of them. The map is based on the latest redistricting process. Then, every 10 years, it follows the latest U.S. Census. It is a redistricting process that does draw up maps. It would be for the voting districts that exist across the state. Moreover, these new maps do determine where an elected official’s boundaries land. Plus who do they represent? It is for votes for the seat in question. In fact, the county does have a process that has been contentious with accusations of partisan map-makers. Also, the race issues on both sides of the aisle.

County Leaders and the Map

Moreover, a few maps have, in fact, risen to the top of the pile. This is out of about two dozen. There are two getting almost all of the public comments for or against either map. The supervisors voted Tuesday to pick the third map. That has not been suggesting by any member of the public during debates. It would be this month over maps. In fact, opponents do say their choice made only minor changes to the map adopted in 2001. It was two decades before that.

Supporters of Coalition

Moreover, the supporters of the coalition do say the county does need to overhaul its map. Thus making the share of political power fairer, specifically for low-income rural voters of color. In fact, the map is supporting by the board. It reflects the status quo with few changes. They, in fact, argue. There are members of the board who have defending the map as being legally vetting. Thereby, keeping intact in traditional communities.

The map was drawn by county staffers. Then the map is chosing by the supervisors who do before the board on December 14th for an official vote. In fact, the county’s deadline is to pick its map is the following day. Before finalizing their vote, the supervisors are then requiring to give anyone who wants to speak during the public hearing the opportunity to do so. Moreover, each speaker is typically given two minutes, and longer if they have to have a translator.

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